Knockdown of MARCH7 by either sh\MARCH7\#2 or sh\MARCH7\#3 consistently resulted in a reduction in Mdm2 amounts and a rise in p53 amounts (Fig ?(Fig4C,4C, Appendix Fig S3C), indicating the precise regulatory aftereffect of MARCH7 for the known degrees of Mdm2 and p53

Knockdown of MARCH7 by either sh\MARCH7\#2 or sh\MARCH7\#3 consistently resulted in a reduction in Mdm2 amounts and a rise in p53 amounts (Fig ?(Fig4C,4C, Appendix Fig S3C), indicating the precise regulatory aftereffect of MARCH7 for the known degrees of Mdm2 and p53. Open in another window Figure 4 MARCH7 regulates the Mdm2Cp53 axis HCT116 and … Continue reading Knockdown of MARCH7 by either sh\MARCH7\#2 or sh\MARCH7\#3 consistently resulted in a reduction in Mdm2 amounts and a rise in p53 amounts (Fig ?(Fig4C,4C, Appendix Fig S3C), indicating the precise regulatory aftereffect of MARCH7 for the known degrees of Mdm2 and p53